Farmer Association of Gujarat (Maruti Krushi Vikas Trust) is a network of grass root level farmers and rural NGO. We are recognized by NITI Aayog, Government of India. Our unique identification number is GJ/2018/0197838.
We are working for small, middle class and marginal farmers. We empower and educate the rural farmers for sustainable farming, assist farmers for quality production. We organize workshop and seminar for quality production, reduction of post harvest loss, economic growth, storage and marketing. We organize workshop on family farming activities and dairy farming promotion for women.
We have been working for a cleaner, healthier environment for the people of rural and urban areas of our region. Our mission is to protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment – the air, water, and land upon which life depends. Tree plantation is undertaken in schools, colleges, Government premises and at the land which remained unutilized along roads, railway lines and canals with the purpose of helping environmental, social and rural development.
We also promote farmers for organic farming. We organize seminar for organic farming. We also organize awareness program about, how the chemicals and pesticides are harmful for us? How to convert successfully into organic farming?
With an aim to promote and excel in all forms of Sports, our organization was established ''Rural Sports Club" The most important objective is boosting villagers and rural talents to public sports which can bring vitality for the sports for development and peace.